Bühler partners with Angolan grain processor Leonor Carrinho to install new pasta processing lines

ANGOLA – Leonor Carrinho, Angola based food distributor that has backward integrated into grain processing, is expanding its processing capacity with the installation of several pasta lines.

The new facility is being established by the world’s leading plant equipment manufacturer, Bühler Group.

The Swiss technology company did not reveal the processing capacity of the pasta line or when it will be finalized, but highlighted that its team is on the ground undertaking the installation of the lines.

This won’t be Leonor’s first project undertaken in partnership with Bühler as both parties collaborated in the establishment of raw rice processing units i.e., one line of 18-20 TPH, one line of 9-10 TPH, along with paddy processing.

This was built at a 17-factory industrial complex with the capability of processing about 1000 tons of grains such as wheat, corn, soy, beans, and rice.

Leonor commenced with processing of rice as it is an important staple food in Angola. This is evidenced by the fast-increasing per capita consumption that currently stands at about 14 kg/annum. 

The establishment of the rice mill was undertaken in early 2020, during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, presenting several execution challenges including working with different time zones, cultures, and languages.

Additionally, there was an initial lack of knowledge of the local installation contractors, legal obligations & other important resources, indicated Bühler.

Despite the set-back, the Bühler teams from India, Switzerland, South Africa, and China and customer teams from Angola and Portugal, together with a team of contractors from Morocco, collaborated effectively to achieve colossal success. 

In the Eastern Africa region, Bühler undertook the installation of the recently inaugurated malting unit in Ethiopia, constructed by the French Soufflet Group.

Construction of the plant started in March 2019, with its first production test undertaken in the beginning of the year, and has now officially commenced operations.

Equipped with a state-of-the-art infrastructure, the malt house aims to produce 60,000 tonnes in the first year and ultimately hopes to achieve a production capacity of 110,000 tonnes per year.

With this establishment, the Soufflet Group is committed to an import substitution project across the entire value chain as the barley used will be grown locally and the malt produced sold directly to local brewers.

The new Addis Ababa processing facility is the group’s 28th malt house globally and the first in Africa.

This ambitious project is fully in line with Malteries Soufflet’s strategy to develop activities outside Europe, which already include Brazil, Argentina and India.

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