MALAWI – Standardization regulators, the Malawi Bureau of Standards (MBS) has lifted a ban on Frozy drink, a Mozambique drink which took the Malawi market by storm, threatening locally manufactured drinks including the giant Coca-Cola.

MBS director Devlin Chokazinga says in a statement that Yaafico Industries Ltd, the manufacturers of the popular soft drink, have redressed the shortfalls which led to the ban of the drink in Malawi.

“…the Malawi Bureau of Standards hereby advises the general public that the ban which was imposed on Frozy has been lifted,” says the MBS director in a media statement.

MSB banned Frozy in November 2016 for what it described as critical failures of the product on labeling and high levels of citric acid and benzoates.

The bureau says among the actions taken, was the obtaining of random samples of Frozy drinks from the company and from the market for running conformity assessments with regard to MS18-Carbonated soft drinks specification and MS19-Labelling of preferred foods and general standards soft drink specification.

“Following the exercise, Yaafico has complied and Frozy is now compliant to the specifications.”

The statement however says the manufacturers remain non-compliant to MS19 because storage conditions for the drink are not indicated and some language on the bottle label cannot easily be understood by a Malawian user.

February 14, 2017;