NETHERLANDS – The global science-based company, Royal DSM has announced that Atzo Nicolai, President DSM Netherlands will be stepping down from the company and will be succeeded in his role by Edith Schippers.
Nicolai will leave in the mid-2019 while Edith Schippers, who was most recently Minister of Health, Welfare and Sports in the Netherlands will join DSM as from February 1, 2019.
He is hailed to have contributed to DSM’s sustainability drive in the Netherlands since he joined DSM in 2011.
In addition to supporting innovation in various R&D centers in the Netherlands, Nicolai helped in the development of the Brightlands Chemelot Campus, as well as the Biotech Campus in Delft.
He has established one unified Collective Labour Agreement for all CLA employees of DSM in the Netherlands.
To enhance a smooth transition, Nicolai will remain with the company in the first half of 2019 until the handover process is completed in the third quarter of the year.
Edith Schippers who holds a master’s degree in political science from Leiden University will report to in her role as President DSM NL to Dimitri de Vreeze, member of the Managing Board of DSM and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of DSM Netherlands.
“She started her career as a policy advisor for the liberal political party in the House of Representatives in the Netherlands focusing on health care, after which she worked for business and employers’ organization VNO-NCW with health care and labor markets in her portfolio.
Edith was elected as a member into the House of Representatives in 2003, after which she became Minister of Health, Welfare and Sports in 2010.
In 2017 she announced she would not return to a new cabinet,” said DSM.
The company has also announced the appointment of Patricia Malarkey as new Chief Innovation Officer, after the former Rob van Leen decided to step down.
Patricia, who in her most recent executive role Head of Research & Development and member of the Executive Committee at Syngenta, will join DSM as of 15 March and member of the Executive Committee in August 2019.