UK – Mackays, a Scottish marmalade and jam producer, has announced a US$4.5 million expansion to its site in Angus, Scotland, seeing its business premises growing by 50%.

The expansion, which is set to begin in January 2018, will allow the company to introduce new product lines into the existing factory as well as create a dedicated distribution centre and packaging site.

“The expansion announcement rounds off a fantastic year for Mackays. With our business turnover up 7%, which includes an increase of 35% in export, we are in great shape and looking forward with excitement to the year ahead.

In 1995 we were filling just 10,000 jars a year which – compared to today’s 25 million – demonstrates the demand for Mackays Dundee marmalade and jams,” said Mackays managing director Martin Grant.

The Mackays’s investment, worth US$4.5 million, will cover the lease, fit out and purchase of new equipment, along with a further US$1.02million (£875,000) European grant.

The investment plans also include creating a distribution facility that will enable the company to service five trucks at a time to speed up the supply chain process.

Mackays makes a range of nine marmalades, nine preserves, and two curds and stays true to its values of producing small authentic batches and with 40% of its sales coming from overseas, the business exports to 80 territories around the world, and employs 180 people at its factory in Angus.

“The investment will enable us to continue to meet this demand while continuing to make our products in the traditional way using steam-heated copper-bottomed pans for a truly authentic taste,” continued Martin Grant.

The firm said it plans to introduce new product lines and create a distribution centre and co-packaging facility in Arbroath.