USA – McDonald’s, a leading fast food company, has announced plans to switch to environmentally friendly packaging alternatives to help reduce the impacts of industrial packaging wastes on the environment and the community at large.

In its vision 2025, the company has resolved to use renewable, recyclable packaging or alternatives from certified sources with a preference for Forest Stewardship Council certification.

McDonald’s has promised to partner with different global stakeholders to bring change and solution to the degrading environment given that recycling infrastructure, regulations and consumer behaviours vary around the world.

In an earlier move, the company had planned to use its 100% of fiber-based packaging coming from recycled or certified sources where no deforestation occurs by 2020.

“As the world’s largest restaurant company, we have a responsibility to use our scale for good to make changes that will have a meaningful impact across the globe,” said Francesca DeBiase, McDonald’s Chief Supply Chain and Sustainability Officer.

“Our customers have told us that packaging waste is the top environmental issue they would like us to address.

Our ambition is to make changes our customers want and to use less packaging, sourced responsibly and designed to be taken care of after use, working at and beyond our restaurants to increase recycling and help create cleaner communities.”

Among the strategies laid to improve packaging and recycling practices include driving smarter packaging designs, implementing new recycling programs, establishing new measurement programs and educate restaurant crew and customers.

“Nearly three decades ago, McDonald’s and EDF teamed up to tackle solid waste and accelerate innovation in packaging.

Along the way, we pioneered a new partnership model for companies and non-profit organizations.

Today, McDonald’s continues to raise the sustainability bar by setting ambitious goals and collaborating with partners across the value chain for maximum impact,” said Tom Murray, Vice President of EDF+Business at Environmental Defence Fund.

McDonald’s was committed to protecting people and forests and further engaging customers on simple ways to protect forests.

With 50% customer packaging coming from renewable, recycled or certified sources and 64% of fiber-based packaging from certified or recycled sources, McDonald’s sustainable practices will protect people and the planet.

“Smarter waste management begins with improved sourcing, increased value chain collaboration and better communication with customers.

Today’s announcement demonstrates McDonald’s strong leadership in developing packaging and recycling solutions at a scale that can extend the life of our natural resources and push its industry toward more sustainable practices,” said Sheila Bonini, Senior Vice President, Private Sector Engagement, World Wildlife Fund.