WEST AFRICA – Nestlé Central and West Africa (CWA) and the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) have launched a new joint initiative aimed at catalysing development of agri-food businesses in West Africa
Dubbed as the Youth Agripreneurship Development Program (YADIS), the initiative seeks to support
The partnership will train young farmers on good agricultural practices and entrepreneurial skills to produce and supply
In Ghana, the program will be implemented with a Ghanaian agribusiness, Sahel Grains targeting 300 young
Focused on the maize value chain, this program aims at increasing incomes of the targeted youth agripreneurs and farmers, fifty percent of whom will be female.
The project interventions will include input and output aggregation; training in improved production and post-harvest management practices accompanied by services such as mechanization services and crop insurance
The company will also provide a reliable premium market offtake of the
Philomena said that in 2018, over 216,000MT of raw materials including cocoa, coffee, cereals and cassava, valued at US$115 million were sourced locally.
“This partnership will empower a new generation of
“Ultimately, the partnership will encourage, strengthen extension services, increase technology adoption, improve supply chain management and promote agricultural entrepreneurship and the use of structured markets,” adds Vanessa Adams, VP for Country Support and Delivery.
Ms. Adams added the project will also work in collaboration with the Ministry of Food and Agriculture in Ghana and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).