SOUTH AFRICA – The 20th Congress of the SA Council of Shopping Centres (SACSC) will take place at the Sandton Convention Centre from September 7 to 9 2016.

It is sponsored by Nedbank Corporate and Investment Banking Property Finance and will feature the latest insights on leading trends, technology and customer engagement as well as provide a meeting place for industry leaders and leading retailers and brands alike.

“The programme has been carefully crafted to ensure topics are both relevant and informative to all who attend. Responding to both opportunities and challenges faced by retailers and shopping centres, this year’s congress will address the rapid changes affecting the industry, with particular focus on technology, economic forces and ever-evolving consumer expectations,” said SACSC CEO Amanda Stops.

Speakers will include SACSC’s newly appointed president Jeff Zidel, Jeffrey Williford of the Disney institute, Bernie Brooks, CEO and MD of Edcon, trend spotter Magnus Lindkvist, Innovation Agency CEO Rory Moore, motivational speaker Peter van Kets, Taste Holding’s CEO Carlo Gonzago and Renzo Scribante of Rembrothers.

“With this programme we have aimed to bring those in attendance a wealth of market-related intelligence and key insights, all the while highlighting the prominent role the retail industry plays in the development of communities, and the ripple effect this has on the economy, and the country as a whole,” said Stops.

“Most importantly, however, the SACSC Congress aims to bring together retailers and shopping centres professionals from varying backgrounds, providing them with an opportunity to learn from one another, connecting, discussing new ideas and sharing information relevant to their industry.”

August 23, 2016;