UKRAINE – Ukraine has unveiled plans to introduce new wheat standards that meet international quality criteria.
Ukraine’s Agrarian Policy and Food Ministry has announced that the new state standard of Ukraine (DSTU) for wheat is set to become effective in June this year.
World Grain reports that the standards will be presented in early June and will become effective June 10.
According to the ministry, development of a new standard is at its final stage, and this set to promote quality wheat produced for both the local and international markets.
“The second draft of a state standard for wheat will be considered at the Technical Committee’s meeting in February of this year.
The planned deadline for the introduction of the new standard once it is approved is May-June 2019,” said the ministry’s press service in a January 28 statement.
The purpose of the new standard is to optimize technical and technological processes of wheat production and harmonize it with international standards with those of the European Union member states.
Proposed standards
The ministry previously has stated that it would reduce the number of wheat classes from the current six to four.
Ukraine, which is among the leading global grain producers and exporters has proposed three milling wheat classes for soft wheat and one feed wheat class.
The first-class wheat should have at least 14% protein content, the second class’ protein will be at no less than 12.5% while, the third class should have at least 11% protein.
All other wheat will be determined as feed wheat.
The updated standard reduces the number of classes for non-food wheat, which will have a positive effect on its harvesting system.
In addition, indicators related to the baking qualities of grain, namely protein and fiber content, were considered.
It also proposes the indicator of the content of grains damaged by corn bugs, and that of flour strength.
In 2017, Ukraine harvested 26.1 million tonnes of wheat and exported 17.2 million tonnes of wheat worth US$2.83 billion.
The move comes after European Business Association (EBA)’s push for the introduction of the new national standard for the quality of wheat to June (start of harvesting campaign) as opposed to proposed August 1, 2019.
According to the EBA, these changes will be positive for the grain harvesting and storage industry.